Miss.Africa Voices

”The future of women in tech is definitely bright and looking up” – Brenda

2 Mins read

Ms. Brenda Wang’ombe spoke to Miss.Africa Voices about her Internship experience at DotConnectAfrica Trust.

a) How was your internship experience?

My internship experience was engaging, educational and elevating. I got an opportunity to sharpen the skills I initially got from my University days and also learnt additional skills such as Social Media Management and blogging which I can use both for my personal gain and in the communication industry. The working environment was quite conducive and healthy

b) How did Miss.Africa Digital Program enhance your perceptions of the involvement of Women in Technology?

Miss.Africa Digital is one of the best initiatives started that gives African Women an opportunity to learn and involve themselves in everything tech. The initiative showed me that yes women are the future leaders in the tech industry and nothing is too hard for them to accomplish.

Secondly, Miss.Africa Digital does the whole teaching/mentoring process in an interesting way and not just sitting in classrooms throughout. They offer internships and seed funding which gives the winners a boost in pursuing their dreams and emerging as tech-preneures.

c) Give us a professional instance at DCA that remains a landmark in your career profession.

During my internship period, I was in charge of most of the organizations social media pages such as Instagram and twitter and on a weekly basis I would keep track of the followings, likes, retweets etc. I did this using a Social Media metrics table. This was my first time ever doing this and I am glad to have learnt how to do so at DCA.

I also got a chance to familiarize myself with the social media analytics tools. This will definitely remain as a landmark in my career because today many businesses are shifting towards digital marketing and aim at increasing followers and engagement on their platforms. Therefore, the skills acquired at DCA have given me an upper hand in the job market something I’ll always be thankful for.

d) Outline your take on the future of women technology in Africa/Globally? And a message to other girls who would want to venture into ICT Careers

Times are ever changing and more opportunities keep arising and it is now our turn to grab these opportunities. Women should no longer feel intimidated to take up positions in the tech industry. Generally, there is noticeable change in different organizations and institutions where they are outwardly reaching out to women and encouraging them to apply for various technical job opportunities. Such organizations that believe in inclusivity and gender balance gives women hope there is progress.

In addition to that, there are a lot of women globally starting their own tech companies and coming up with new innovations, others have their own podcasts on everything tech and their journey while other women have started initiatives that encourage involvement of women in tech nowadays and I can therefore say the future of women in tech is definitely bright and looking up and more is yet to come.

A message I would give to other girls who want to venture into ICT careers is just believe in yourself and go for it. The only way one can dig out their hidden potential is if you give it a shot and try. A step to this is by researching and finding schools or programmes that offer these skills and enrol..

Miss.Africa Voices is a regular online journal that presents women in tech experiences, opinions and observations. These stories come from DotConnectAfrica Internship Alumni and other Women who are leading the tech-preneurship fronts in their own ecosystems. The Miss.Africa Voices also serves to encourage more girls & women to get involved in STEM careers through our Miss.Africa Digital Program.







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