Miss.Africa Voices

“Computer programming skills is a set of knowledge that can be learnt by anyone…”- Fateh Nguemo, Mentor, Abocoders

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 Miss.Africa Voices spoke to Fateh Nguemo about her experience during the Miss.Africa sponsored training at Abocoders

Fateh Nguemo, Mentor, The Abocoders

Q1: How did the Miss Africa Seed Fund enhance Abocoders’ initiatives and activities of supporting girls in STEM?

Fateh: The Miss Africa Seed Fund made provision for the purchase of better equipment to create a better learning environment for the girls in STEM being trained at AboCoders.

On the 28th April 2016, the girls trained at the AboCoders centre received an award of excellence for coming in second at the quiz competition of International Girls in ICT day which remains a landmark throughout the training.

Q2: How were your digital skills enhanced.

Fateh: Before I joined AboCoders, I had no knowledge of programming and web development. 

I have been able to learn about programming and other computer skills and I’ve discovered that computer coding and programming skills is a set of knowledge that can be learnt by anyone who has the will.

Q3: How did the Miss Africa Sponsored, AboCoders training enhance your perceptions of the involvement of women in technology?

Fateh: The Miss Africa Sponsored, Abocoders training, has made it clear to me that women being in technology brings an end to the limits that women have in their careers.

This notion brings about an opportunity for wealth creation and boosts the confidence of women, letting them know they can achieve whatever they set their minds to do and it promotes gender equality in the society.

Q4: Give us a professional instance during the training that remains a landmark in your career/profession.

Fateh:  One experience that is outstanding for me is a programming boot camp I attended in July-August 2017 in Abuja, where I improved my technical skills and built more confidence, it also increased my interest in science.

Q5: Outline your take on the future of women technology in Africa/Globally.

Fateh: I believe with the constant digital literacy, ICT and STEM training for women, women will:

  • Oversee the technology/digital world in a couple of years.
  • Lead more technology/digital companies and
  • Train more young women in STEM.

Q6: A message to other girls who would want to venture into ICT careers.

Fateh: ICT opens doors for a lot of opportunities and makes you relevant in every field. It is important to keep learning, improving and evolving.

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