Miss.Africa Voices

”ICT is for everyone. It’s not defined by gender.”- Janet

2 Mins read

Miss.Africa Voices spoke to Ms. Janet Chesang about her experience while training for mobile coding at Miss.Africa. She was among the 25 women selected for a fully funded training.

       Janet Chesang, App Developer

a.) General experience with Miss.Africa sponsored, eMobilis training basing a bias on women in tech in Kenya & how your digital skills were enhanced.

I had the most wonderful and memorable experience at Miss.Africa mobile Training, starting from my class of friendly and smart women in technology, high experienced lecturers in mobile application development and hospitable staff. Having being selected from over 300 applicants, I took the opportunity with great honor knowing.

b.)How the Miss.Africa sponsored, eMobilis Training enhanced your perceptions of the involvement of Women in Technology?

I must say I am among the most privileged women in tech to be among the 25 girls selected. The knowledge and experience I gained from Miss.Africa/eMobilis mobile coding training is an asset I treasure and I  thank DotconnectAfrica for sponsoring us.


c.) Give us a professional instance during the training that remains a landmark in your career profession

At some point while at Kabarak University, where I did my undergraduate, I lost a sponsorship during the 5th international conference. I had presented a paper as well as developed a web based application system, but I was required to translate the same web based application to an android application but unfortunately by then I didn’t have the in-depth knowledge of developing a mobile app.

The Miss Africa sponsored  training gave me an opportunity to be in a class of purely women, having to network, share our experiences as women in tech and encouragement from within. The outcome from the training instilled in me a lot of hope that women can solve most of our African problems. The 25 mobile applications developed by each lady solved issues ranging from security, transport and health   while myself I did an app on fashion.

The positive energy and commitment I saw in our class of women was incredible. It remains a landmark in my career as well as a motivation. For instance our class came up with the best applications furthermore we did some courses which were supposed to be done in 4weeks in only 2 weeks, I recall my lecturer being very happy with our class.

d.) Outline your take on the future of women technology in Africa/Globally? And a message to other girls who would want to venture into ICT Careers.

I see most of the African problems and challenges being solved by women. Now that we live in an era of technology, if more women are mentored to tech, then we will be a step away to a better Africa.

If I was able to be among the best students in a technical course mostly populated by men and if the 25 girls sponsored by DotconnectAfrica were able to develop life changing applications within 3 months of learning, then any girl can do.

If it is something you are passionate about and believe you can do, go for it. ICT is a field for everybody who is able to innovate and it is not defined for specific gender.

Miss.Africa Voices is a regular online journal that presents women in tech experiences, opinions and observations. These stories come from DotConnectAfrica Internship Alumni and other Women who are leading the tech-preneurship fronts in their own ecosystems. The Miss.Africa Voices also serves to encourage more girls & women to get involved in STEM careers through our Miss.Africa Digital Program.






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