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My internship period at DotConnectAfrica. Grace Wambura

1 Mins read

a) How is your internship experience so far?

So far, my internship period at DotConnectAfrica was a learning experience for me. I have had a lot of hands-on experience in blog writing, social media management, SEO, Email Marketing and extensive research work. I was in charge of other external blogs where I learned the key aspects of blog writing and SEO.

I also had a chance to the latest trends in email marketing, created and implemented the SEO strategy, Increased the email open rate by 10% and planned & executed email marketing campaigns. This was a great learning experience for me.

b) How did Miss.Africa Digital Program enhance your perceptions of the involvement of Women in Technology?

Only about 25% of jobs in technology are held by women in 2021. Unfortunately, women in tech statistics show that women in this industry are still grossly unrepresented.

However, Miss.Africa Digital Program aims to incorporate more women in the technology sector by providing young girls and women with exposure to a broad range of STEM careers.

c) Give us a professional instance at DCA that remains a landmark in your career profession.

I had a couple of amazing achievements at DCA as a media and partner relations intern. The position had its ups and downs but I was keen to progress internally from the outset.

d) Outline your take on the future of women’s technology in Africa/Globally? And a message to other girls who would want to venture into ICT Careers

The future is bright and I believe better days are yet to come where we will see women winning in the technology industry which is still male-dominated. Having the fact that gender disparity in STEM fields has been widely recognized especially in Africa where young girls and women are underrepresented both in economic opportunities and leadership roles shows positive feedback.

I encourage young girls and women to take their crown and demand to be seen as equal because we are all equal and deserve to be taken seriously more so in the tech industries. We have to believe in ourselves and be confident enough to bridge the digital gender inequality gap.

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