Miss.Africa Voices

“Women are way better coders and organizers”- Evalyne

2 Mins read

Ms. Evalyne Ndanu narrates how she made a great discovery in her career life during the Miss.Africa Mobile App Training at eMobilis.

Evalyne Ndanu, Mobile App Developer

It was during my third year long holiday in school where I was studying Telecommunication and Information Technology. I did more of Telecommunication in my course, so when I got my first attachment, I realized that field work and Telecommunication was not really what I wanted to do.

I was feeling so lost in my attachment and IT field, I did not know what my next step would be concerning my school work because I was clearly discouraged.

It is during this time that I met my former primary school teacher, Mr. Okello who told me about Miss.Africa Mobile App development training with Emobilis. He advised me to apply for the three month training in Mobile Software Development which has HTML, CSS, MYSQL, PHP, JAVA and ANDROID.

At that point in life I was so lost in my career and just decided why not apply. I had nothing to lose after all, little did I know that it would turn out to be the beginning of a great discovery in my career life.

I applied and surprisingly I was called in for the program. This was the turning point for me. I discovered my love for software development and I got fully immersed in it. I went from not knowing anything about programming to creating a full android project called ‘dishpoa’, the feeling of achieving this was just overwhelming.

I knew from then on that problem solving through technology and specifically software is what I wanted to do. I am forever grateful to Miss.Africa and Emobilis  for helping me discover myself in the vast area of IT.

Being in a class full of ladies who code also helped me to open up my mind and see opportunities, networks and brilliance. It helped me make friends who we formed a group with and in which we inspire and mentor fellow girls to follow in our footsteps of software development and show them that nothing is really impossible, the group’s website is about to launch soon, watch out for it.

Generally, I would say that technology sector has so many opportunities right now that ladies need to be grab.  There is so much space for ladies in technology and I can say with confidence that women are way better organizers and better coders. They should never feel intimated by anything or anyone because we all have to start somewhere, no one is born knowing IT, we all learn from scratch.

Thank you very much Miss.Africa.


Miss.Africa Voices is a regular online journal that presents women in tech experiences, opinions and observations. These stories come from DotConnectAfrica Internship Alumni and other Women who are leading the tech-preneurship fronts in their own ecosystems. The Miss.Africa Voices also serves to encourage more girls & women to get involved in STEM careers through our Miss.Africa Digital Program.


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