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My internship period at DotConnectAfrica. Mercy

3 Mins read

a) How is your internship experience so far under DCA Corporate Booth Camp?
So far so good. It hasn’t been a smooth ride but it is worth a while. I have had Ups and down that made me develop a thick skin. I am glad I have gained a lot of knowledge from DCA corporate booth camp like from doing SEOs, writing to-do lists and reports that has groomed my personal planning, time keeping and organizational skills as well as learning more about STEM. The stories on female brands I’ve worked on has inspired me to be a full tech woman. DCA also has 80% starting with the founding CEO and my colleagues. I also like how at DCA we support each other, if one has a problem they are heard. If one has a new idea it is also heard and implemented. My boss once gave me some tips of being a good leader of which some of them are; Being humble, being a good listener and normalize using words like Please, kindly as well as thank you. As a youth in STEM I am proud to be part of DCA.

b) As a candidate for the DCA Corporate Booth Camp how did it enhance your perceptions of the involvement of the youths in Technology?
As a youth, I honestly didn’t have any interest in the STEM world but DCA made me develop interest in delving more into the tech world.
DCA has taught me that information technology provides a wealth of information at our fingertips and can help bridge the gap for today’s youth. It provides the means to better stay in touch, more easily be aware of world events taking place, educate ourselves, virtually explore, learn and grow.

c) Give us a professional instance at DCA that remains a landmark in your career profession.
I had an opportunity to learn how to optimize SEO on a blog
I learnt Video Editing and Content creation using Digital Designs tools
I also horned my skills in writing and email marketing using different CRM tools
All these remain a land mark in my career.

d) Outline your take on the future of technology in Africa/Globally?
Africa’s technology scene is booming, driven largely by advancements in mobile phone technology which has become an important platform for innovators beyond its simple use as a communication device.
The rise of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3D printing, and blockchain technology all stand to significantly impact trade costs and international trade.
As at now we have about 10 technologically advanced countries in Africa but I believe in the future by 2030/2040 the whole of Africa will be technologically advanced just like in other Continents like Europe, America and Asia.
99.9% of Africa will be on the digital space which includes social media, blogging, digital marketing, digital transformation etc.

e) Any message to other women who would want to venture into ICT Careers
The tech industry is often described as a difficult place for women, but in many ways, the tech industry has a lot of qualities that make it ideal for women. The flexibility offered in our industry is unlike anything I have seen in any other industry. In many tech companies, it is commonly accepted that people can work on their own schedules and often work from any location. This makes a big difference when trying to have a career and a family. In addition, the tech industry is also often very meritocratic – with outcomes being judged by quantifiable results (products launched, products sold, numbers hit, etc) which is also helpful for women as it removes some of the subjective judgments women can face in the workforce.
My advice for them is to go for it, Do it, and love it, if they’re drawn to it. The key thing is to believe in your own abilities. Keep their minds open, learn something new every day. Be kind, rational and objective. Take the high road when things get wonky. Try not to think about being a woman too much, but rather, try to be the best person you can be. Its why some people excel and others worry about everyone else and end up stuck in a dead end.
Lastly, find places to work where its a true meritocracy. Where what you look like doesn’t matter, but rather what you bring to the mission every day. And this part is not always obvious. But its an important thing to keep in mind.

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