Miss.Africa Digital Program recently caught up with Ms. Paloma Muzoma, (Co Founder – Pamtech Designs and Systems, Zimbabwe) – Pamtech…
Miss.Africa Digital Program recently caught up with Ms. Tsaone Gaborone – Co-founder – The Clicking Generation, – ICT Academy for…
Miss.Africa Digital Program recently caught up with Ms Thando Gumede, (Chief Executive Officer, BSG and Technologies, South Africa) – BSG…
Women’s History Month has come to an end, but celebrating the remarkable women making strides for gender parity and equal rights…
Guess what is back? (Drumrolls…….) The FemPower Newsletter. As usual, we come bearing amazing reads for you. As you know, every February,…
We want everything now; happiness now, success now, health now, love now. Not surprisingly, this is the way we approach our…
What’s up Techie Squad? As we step into the final months of 2020, it’s proven to be a special month and…
If one is determined and committed to excel in ICTs nothing can stop them - Liphoto, Trainer - BasaliTech
3 Mins read
Kekeletso Liphoto speaks of her experience of offering training on web development at the BasaliTech Miss.Africa Digital sponsored training. BasaliTech…
Miss.Africa Digital Program spoke to Mrs. Setsoto Hlohlomi, Founder and President: BasaliTech, a Lesotho, one of the winners of the…
Miss.Africa Digital Program recently caught up with Ms Mbawomye Justine, Project Manager: Kampabits, a youth based organization that exists to positively…