Miss.Africa Voices

There are a lot of opportunities for me as the world is turning into technology- Mabel Archer, Miss.Africa Digital trainee at Kumasi Hive

2 Mins read

Ms. Mabel Archer a recent graduate at the Kumasi Hive Miss.Africa Digital sponsored training speaks to us about  her experience learning  how to do graphic design

Give a general experience with Miss.Africa Digital sponsored, Kumasi Hive training & how your digital skills were enhanced. What was most challenging?

Miss Africa Digital 2019 Kumasi Hive training was a very educative program. I had actually heard about Kumasi Hive but then, I had not been there before. So Miss Africa Digital 2019 gave me the chance to be there for the first time. During the program, I experienced a lot of great things that had opened my eye in the technological world. Miss Africa also helped me acquire knowledge in Graphic Design and this has actually helped me in my field of study. I can make flyers, logo and many other designs that will help me make end meet. One of the most challenging things that I encountered during the program was closing very late sometimes and I think this problem can be solved if the organizers schedule the time and days of meeting very well.

How did the training enhance your perceptions of the involvement of Women in Technology?

The training made me realize that technology is not for men only. If I recall how many young ladies were designing, I was very happy so I encouraged myself to do more as a lady even as the world is turning into technology.

Do you see opportunities for your future from the training?

There are a lot of opportunities for me in the future as a result of this training. I design flyers for friends who in turn connect me to other people thereby making people know what I can do and also build my social network and this can bring me a good payable job in some years to come.

Give us a professional instance during the training that remains a landmark in your career profession.

During the training, I found graphic designing as an interesting program and since then it has become something I really cherish since I can use the knowledge I have to design my website in the future.

Outline your take on the future of women technology in Africa?

The training I had and the little I saw during the program has made me see that women technology in Africa has a brighter future. With the creation of awareness and introduction of more girls into technology, I believe women will make a great impact in the world of technology.

Miss.Africa Voices is a regular that presents women in tech experiences, opinions and observations. These stories come from DotConnectAfrica Internship Alumni and other Women who are leading the tech-preneurship fronts in their own ecosystems. The Miss.Africa Voices also serves to encourage more girls & women to get involved in STEM careers through our Miss.Africa Digital Program.

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